UPSC has taken a right step introducing negative marking to filter out candidates who get selected on the basis of smart guesses and luck. So, the serious candidates should cheer up now. Negative marking make paper more complex. But it is easy for a well prepared student and gives an extra benefit to a genuine candidate.
How to tackle negative marking?
- Identify the areas of your strength in the question paper. Solve questions from these areas first. Solving easy question will boost your confidence.
- Don’t waste your time for particular questions. Leave time consuming questions to take up in the end.
- The definition of intelligent guessing changes now with negative marking. You should tick only those answers which you feel 70% correct.
- Don’t play any blind and stupid game of guessing.
- Practice…Practice…Practice…Mock tests reduce mistake in the exam and prepare you to face real environment in which you can tackle & solve the questions within time limit.
- Mock tests provide you a platform where you can check your own weakness, mistakes and errors and develop a better understanding for solving different types of questions.