Acharya Rajneesh:Osho
Adam Smith: Father of Economics
Adolf Hitler: Fuhrer (also fuehrer)
Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense
Andrei D. Sakharov: Father of the (Soviet) Hydrogen Bomb
Bal Gangadhar Tilak: Lokmanya; Father of Indian Unrest
Bhagat Singh: Shahid - e - Azam
C. Rajagopalachari: C.R. Rajaji
C.F. Andrews: Deenabandhu
C.N. Annadurai: Anna
Chittaranjan Das: Deshbandhu
Dadabhai Naoroji: Grand Old Man of India; Father of Indian Politics and Economics.
Dadasaheb Phalke: Father of Indian Cinema.
Duke of Wellington: Iron Duke.
Dwight David Eisenhower: lke
Edmund Spencer: Poets' Poet
Eivis Presley; Elvis the Pelvis
Ernest Rutherford: Father of Nuclear Physics.
Erwin Rammel: Desert Fax.
Florence Nightingale: Lady with the Lamp.
Geoffrey Chaucer: Father of English Poetry.
George Bernard Show: 'G.B.S'
Giovanni Baccaccio: Father of the Novel
Gurcharan Singh: Ground Old Man of Indian Pottery, Daddyji.
Henrik J. Ibsen: Father of Modern Drama
Herodotus: Father of History
Hippocrates: Father of Medicine
Homi J. Bhabha: Father of Indian Nuclear Science
Indira Gandhi: Iron Lady of India
J.R.D. Tata: Father of Civil Aviation in India.
Jamshedji Tata: Father of Indian Industry
Jawaharlal Nehru: Chacha; Panditji
Jayaprakash Narayan: 'J.P'; Loknayak
Joan of Arc: Maid of Orleans
Joseph Priestley: Father of Soda Pop; Father of Modern Chemistry
K.M. Cariappa: Kipper, Grand Old Man of Indian Army.
K.V. Puttappa: Kuvempu
Kalidas: Indian Shakespeare, Shakespeare of India
Kato Ichire: Dr. Robot.
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan: Badshah Khan; Frantier Gandhi; Fakhre-e Afghan,
Lala Lajpat Rai: Punjab Kesari (Lion of the Punjab or Sher-e-Punjab)
M.F. Robespierre: The Incorruptible
M.K. Gandhi: Bapu; Mahatma; Father of the Nation.
M.S. Golwalkar: Guruji
Madan Mohan Malaviya: Mahamana
Nandlal Base: Father of Modern Painting in India.
Napoleon Bonaparte: Little Corporol; Man of Density.
Otto Von Bismarck: Man of Blood and Iron; Iron Chancellor
Queen Elizabeth I; Maiden Queen
Rabindranath Tagore: Gurudev
Rajinder Singh: Sparrow
Raja Rammohan Roy: Father of Indian Renaissance.
Richard Cobden: Apostle of Free Trade
Samudragupta: Indian Napoleon.
S. Sathyamurthi: Firebrand of South India
Salim Ali: The Birdman of India
Sarojini Naidu: Nightingale of India
Shakti Chattapadhyaya: Robert Frost of West Bengal.
Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah: Lion of Kashmir (Sher-e-Kashmir)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Bangabandhu
St. Nicholas: Santa Claus
Subhash Chandra Bose: Netaji
Susruta: Father of Modern Plastic Surgery
T.T. Krishnamachari: T.T.K.'
Tanguturi Prakasam: Andhra Kesari
Tenzing Norgay: Tiger of Snows
Thomas Cook: Father of Modern Tourism
Thomas Edward Lawrence: Lawrence of Arabia
Tushar Kanti Ghosh; Grand Old Man of Indian Journalism
Vallabhbhai Patel: Iron Man of India, Bismarck of India.
Vinoba Bhave: Acharya
V.M. Basheer: Sultan of Beypore
Walter Scott: Wizard of the North
William Ewart Gladstone: Grand Old Man of British Politics.
William Pitt: The Younger Pitt, Grand Commoner
William Shakespeare: Bard of Avon.