Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The essay paper (200 marks) in the civil services main examination is crucial in determining the final outcome/ selection and ranking. It is decisive because there is no specialization in an essay and so no aspirant can claim expertise, unlike optional subjects.
Essay paper does not have a source of definitive information as in the case of general studies or optional subjects. This constitutes a challenge. It is vital to understand that an essay is a reflection of the personality - ideas, views, analysis, assessments and inferences, values, attitude, aptitude, orientation and communication (written) abilities, all the attributes that are wanted by UPSC in an aspirant. General trend is that essay paper will contain 6 topics out of which one topic to be chosen. There is no syllabus for essay. Anything under sun can be asked. But, if we analyse previous year paper, it is conspicuous to find some root topics.

For example
There is at least one question on women empowerment every year. So, the topic
‘Women Empowerment’ is a root topic.

Suggested Root Topics
1. Women Empowerment
2. Environment, S&T, Energy Security, Sustainable Development
3. Democracy, judiciary and related topics
4. Education, Indian Culture
5. Current Events

Suggested Reading:
a) Yojana issues
b) Frontline cover stories
c) “The Hindu” Sunday Magazines